Rebuilds needed for Fedora 8

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Thu Aug 23 17:29:05 UTC 2007

Michael Schwendt wrote:
> The one pitfall in the ?tg_format=plain bugzilla list linked above
> is that not every user name is an email alias, which you could
> construct by appending the primary Fedora Project domain. The list
> includes some group names, which are mapped to a completely
> different email address using the account system. Hence a second
> list from the FAS needs to be retrieved.

Thanks Michael (and Toshio for the followup).

Any thoughts on the idea of having package aliases @fp.o?  It'd be
much easier to just send mail to glibc at fp.o to reach the current
maintainer(s) of glibc.

(Perhaps it would be too easy and some would dislike it because it
could increase their spam count.  Personally, I'd take the trade-off
in ease of use over the risk of a few more spam mails for my filters
to chew on.)

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
Subtlety is the art of saying what you think and getting out of the
way before it is understood.
    -- Anonymous

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