KDE: replacing dolphin

Christoph Trassl fedora at trassl.net
Fri Aug 24 03:06:16 UTC 2007

>>> d31phin is probably not a name end users are going to be familiar with.
>>> Why not just include the patches from the fork and retain the same name?
>>> It is unlikely that dolphin or its fork for KDE 3 is going to get many
>>> releases.
>> We could use  "Provides:         dolphin" .
>> However I have rpms from both methods ready. Which one you would recommend?
> Like I said, this is likely a short lived branch and if there is just
> a bunch of useful patches that fixes bugs, adding them to the existing
> package will be less work for you but now that you have already done
> the packaging, you could go either way.

Hi @all,

(sorry for having no references in the reply, I was not subscribed to
fedora-devel so far.)

I am the one who suggested replacing dolphin with d3lphin.

A few weeks ago I realised that dolphin is unmaintained for qt3. While I
was looking for some fixes for dolphin's annoying behaviour (ie. putting
its .dolphinview marker in every visited directory without being able to
turn it off) I found d3lphin and contacted upstream

In a discussion about its further direction I asked Marrat about how
many releases he has planned and what about d3lphin when kde4 is
released. While the latter remains unclear, he said he had bunch of
patches in the backhand. By now he has pushed three versions of d3lphin
which all lead to a better experience for the user than the unmaintained
dolphin does.

Unfortunately the patches are not available separately, so providing a
patched version of dolphin-0.8.2 looks to be more work that just taking
the d3lphin source.

So I vote for replacing dolphin with d3lphin (+ Provides: dolphin).

But if you want to stay with the package name "dolphin", please add a
"Provides: d3lphin", so that you can find d3lphin using yum (hope this
works, I cannot remember the last time I needed such a search).

Anyway, thanks a lot for discussing my request.


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