installing more fonts by default for better international coverage

n0dalus n0dalus+redhat at
Fri Aug 24 08:01:39 UTC 2007

On 8/22/07, Jens Petersen <petersen at> wrote:
> So I would like to propose we start installing the following fonts by
> default on the desktop:
> fonts-ISO8859-2, fonts-KOI8-R, fonts-arabic, fonts-chinese,
> fonts-hebrew, fonts-indic, fonts-japanese, fonts-korean, fonts-sinhala,
> and xorg-x11-fonts.
> I believe the mainstream commercial desktop OS's already do this.
> dejavu-fonts and dejavu-fonts-experimental also occur in quite a few
> language groups, so they might be worth including too?
> Any comments or suggestions on this?

If the packages are on the disc already, then by all means install
them by default (people who don't want them can unselect them on the
customization screen). The problem would be if marking them as default
meant they ended up in LiveCDs, where I think space is too scarce to
justify the extra fonts. In other words, marking them as default
should not cause them to be dragged into a spin that didn't already
have those packages -- I don't know if this 'default-if-available'
mode is possible with the current installer/spinner.


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