source file audit - 2007-08-26

Patrice Dumas pertusus at
Mon Aug 27 20:46:55 UTC 2007

On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 02:33:02PM -0600, Jerry James wrote:
> etc.  As the most recent ex-maintainer of moodle, I can tell you that
> your script will almost always list a bunch of language files for
> moodle.  That's because there are no version numbers in the file
> names.  You have to distinguish them by timestamp.  :-(  The script
> output just says that upstream has released new versions of some of
> the language files.  But since there tend to be several language file
> releases per week, the maintainer can't realistically roll out new
> packages every time there is an update.

In that case maybe it would be better to rename locally the files 
using the timestamp and leave the real source files in comment.


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