Heads up, slight tree path change

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Wed Aug 29 23:40:55 UTC 2007

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007 17:20:31 -0500
Mike Chambers <mike at miketc.com> wrote:

> Why not os/RPMS/<the rpms here>?  That is what they are :P

Because when I talked to the anaconda folks about it they preferred
Packages/ to RPMS/.

And of course it hedges our bets for when we go to debs, or tgzs, or

> And when is this move planning on taking place?

The rawhide that is slowly rsyncing it's way to the master mirror
servers has this change in it, wanted to get it in for the Feature
freeze and test2.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- All my bits are free, are yours?
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