tcl 8.5 alpha in fedora 7?

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Mon Feb 12 04:18:59 UTC 2007

On 2/9/07, Jesse Keating <jkeating at> wrote:
> There has been some discussion on this lately, and many feel that introducing
> some epochs is better than having broken upgrade paths.  As to which point we
> make the cut off and say no more broken upgrades has yet to be decided.
> Choices are Test1, Test2, or Test3.  I'm somewhat in favor of Test3.

I would agree with your personal opinion about Test3 for the point of
enforcement for upgrade path stablization. Anything ealier than that
is an unrealistic policy made of rainbows and puppydog tails
considering the actual process of how rawhide is turned into a final
release. There must be adequate time where upgrade path breakage,
while frowned on, is allowed as a necessary evil, during which time we
take stock of where each upstream codebase is at, and allow time for
package rollbacks without the undue burden of upgrade path
calculations.  This sort of crap sure as hell better happen during the
test2 process... so that by test3 we can start nailing down the
specific issue of upgrade paths coherently.

-jef"and by we.. i mean the people who care about upgrade paths...i
don't have to care.. because I have a time machine and I'm always
running a future version of fedora that doesn't actual exist

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