[SCRIPT] rebootless liveinst - the MudPuddle release

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at filteredperception.org
Sat Jul 14 21:57:08 UTC 2007

Greetings fellow Fedora developers!

I would like to offer you a first glimpse at a project that I have been
making an _aweful_ lot of noise about over on the fedora-livecd-list.

In the name of release-early-release-often, here is a proof of concept
quality release of what I call a "rebootless livemedia installer".

To cut to the chase, it is meant to live alongside /usr/sbin/liveinst
as /usr/sbin/rliveinst.  It has the same functionality with the
interesting addition that it doesn't require a reboot after installation

Attached is the abundantly commented bash script rliveinst.  A full
ALPHA QUALITY livecd that includes and fully supports rliveinst is
available at http://g-zyx.org (uploading now, will take a while)



P.S. now I will likely commence work on an anaconda backend that truly
provides the same functionality as /usr/sbin/liveinst... rebootlessly :)
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