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Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 14:23:41 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 03:33 -0400, Build System wrote:
> New package yum-updatesd
> 	Update notification daemon

FYI -- this is a new and reworked yum-updatesd that should hopefully
help with some of the complaints that I have been had.  The *big* change
is that it's bit split into two pieces:
* The actual daemon.  This is small, listens to dbus, and doesn't ever
touch the rpmdb, etc.  Which should keep its memory footprint low.
* Helper process that's forked off to do actual update checks
(+downloads +installs if so configured).  Helper isn't threaded, which
should avoid some of the problems that have been cropping up.

People prodding and testing at this would be much appreciated; I'm
hoping to be able to push this to F7-updates at some point as well.
Bugs to bugzilla as usual


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