Feature idea: package an installer image as a grub entry before F8. Was [ Re: Very much packages with fc6 tag instead of fc7 in the FC7 tree ]

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 17:55:08 UTC 2007

On 6/1/07, Benjamin Lewis <ben.lewis at benl.co.uk> wrote:
> I kind of like this as an idea! My only concern is that people will use
> this to do ftp installs off the mirrors - which is a bad as yum really.

Anyone who is going to prefer an ftp install from a public mirror
already has the ability to pull the modest sized boot.iso or the
rescuecd  and go to town.  The smart monkeys, like me, will make sure
they have a local mirror to pull from (nfs installs rock!).  All this
does is make it easier for people who do not have a dvd writer to do
something useful with as minimum of effort as necessary without
resorting to attempting a live upgrade via yum. With additional
options in the grub entry vnc can be enabled and this could even be a
viable upgrade/re-install path for people with headless or remote
installs... the people who currently reach for yum when they

-jef"Never ever does a network install/upgrade from a mirror across
the public network due to concerns over network reliability for the
length of the install time"spaleta

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