Potential errors in the KDE LiveCD

Kelly lightsolphoenix at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 04:32:49 UTC 2007

Okay, I performed a hard drive install off the KDE LiveCD, and caught a couple 
of problems:

1)  I keep getting an error from DBus because it still contains references to 
gdm, even though the KDE LiveCD uses kdm.

2)  Actually, I don't know if this is specifically a KDE LiveCD problem, but I 
noticed an odd problem...
During the default startup, the system is set up to start DBus, then 
NetworkManager to get the 'Net connection.  The problem is DBus will not 
start if the system has been set up to get account information over a network 
connection if the connection has not already been established.  However, 
NetworkManager refuses to start before DBus starts.  Ultimately, the only 
solution I found was to reactivate the default network startup, so DBus could 
contact the network system for account information before NetworkManager 
started.  Is this just a problem I seem to be experiencing?
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