The community has lost control... (Was: Re: Don't put new packages through updates-testing)

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Mon Jun 4 17:42:08 UTC 2007

On 6/3/07, Jesse Keating <jkeating at> wrote:
>  Seriously I think it's rather impossible to make a
> change and have people be prepared for that change if said people never read
> appropriate mailing lists or monitor wiki pages.

What I could really use (other than a cheeseburger thrown into a
blender so I could eat it without experiencing the pain of chewing) is
a single wiki page aimed at contributors that acted like a dated
notice board, so that I can be trained to call the contents of that
wikipage on a regular basis and then follow links from there to learn

To be quite honest, the wiki isn't particularly helpful without
reading the mailinglists, there's no obvious place in the wiki for
contributors to go to see "new" information, so there's no obvious
single page to monitor.  should be that
place, but as you can tell there no mention of bodhi for example. Nor
is there an at a glance way for me to tell if any of the guidance
documents listed under Resources have been updated recently. So
there's no way to know if my personal understanding of the guidance
has grown stale, unless I individually monitor a group of existing
pages for changes. But that's not really all that useful for 'new'
things like Bodhi or Koji which first show up in the wiki as new
pages, which I have no a-priori knowledge of.

-jef"Niether Koji nor Bodhi are mentioned on still"spaleta

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