f7 images for mass production

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at fedoraproject.org
Sat Jun 9 07:48:48 UTC 2007

On 6/8/07, Thomas Chung wrote:
> In my personal opinion, we should distribute media exact same release
> of F7 final images.


In fact, releasing new spins will
- confuse (newbies/new fedora) users who are downloading an iso.
- support theories like "fedora is not a stable platform". I don't
know if you came across to the same conclusion like i do while reading
the bunch of fedora 7 reviews out there. They all converge to "fedora
isn't well tested before release". If not in general F7 was a great
fedora release.

After many battles, Fedora is now regarded as community driven project
by linux communities and other companies..
Now the only 2 'bad' tags fedora has are:
- distro upgrades (Fn to Fn+1)
- testing before release.


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