To Require yelp or not to require yelp

Warren Togami wtogami at
Tue Jun 12 21:07:26 UTC 2007

Christopher Aillon wrote:
> Matej Cepl wrote:
>> On 2007-06-11, 19:31 GMT, Colin Walters wrote:
>>> Random aside - I wonder if anyone would notice or care if the Help 
>>> menu items just disappeared from all applications.
>> Reporter of bug 242673 which lies in the root of all this messes noticed.
> No, reading the bug, the root of all this is because someone went 
> against my will twice now and added the firefox-32 package.  Now people 
> think they can do shit like this which was one of my objections in the 
> first place.  I objected to this before it got added and it got added 
> anyway.  Then I objected after it got added again and they promised to 
> remove it but it's apparently back now, after I verified it got removed.
> Clearly, my decisions matter.

This is FUD with a few outright lies sprinkled within.

- I created firefox-32 as an alternative way to explicitly launch the 
32bit firefox on x86_64 because you rejected multiple REASONABLE 
requests to allow it to be launched somehow without modifying 
/usr/bin/firefox manually.
- I added it to Extras because I wanted a convenient shell script to 
launch the 32bit browser without removing x86_64.
- You objected to it.  I refused to remove it until nspluginwrapper was 
- You threatened to add Conflicts out of spite.
- I escalated this issue to engineering management because I felt you 
were acting unprofessional and spiteful.  <manager> agreed with me.
- I heard nothing about it for a while.
- It never was removed from the distro or re-added at any point.  The 
current version in F7 was built back in November 2006.

Someone screwing themselves by removing firefox.x86_64 is completely 
independent of firefox-32.  Furthermore, if you remove firefox.x86_64 
you don't need the firefox-32 script at all.  I completely fail to see 
how firefox-32 is the cause of this flamewar.  Removing firefox.x86_64 
itself is what breaks yelp, and firefox-32 has NOTHING to do with this.
It seems that nspluginwrapper is now close to being suitable for 
Fedora... although there seems to be a separate drama going on in this 
review ticket.

Let's see how stable and reliable nspluginwrapper can be before removing 

Warren Togami
wtogami at

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