F8devel - UI "responsiveness" improvements

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Wed Jun 13 20:58:48 UTC 2007

I'd like to suggest a goal for future Fedora of ensuring every 
application / task performed with Fedora actually provides user feedback 
at a minimum 1 {one} second interval.

- anaconda between go-ahead with install and first package installing 
{especially noticeable because the {boring} X screen saver kicks in. You 
then move the mouse to get the screen back - but there is no update to 
the screen for maybe one minute or more.

- pup during an update run with about 30-40 packages. It took nearly an 
hour. Each time an app covered its windows they may not have been 
redrawn for some minutes.

I have no idea what causes these.


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