End of caching-nameserver package

Adam Tkac atkac at redhat.com
Fri Jun 15 09:31:07 UTC 2007

Callum Lerwick napsal(a):
> On Thu, 2007-06-14 at 09:05 -0400, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
>> By the way, I always wanted to ask... we use caching-nameserver
>> because the libc resolver can only do per-process caching versus
>> system-wide caching, right?
>> If so, wouldn't nscd be a lighter weight daemon for this purpose?
> dnsmasq is specifically designed for this purpose, and in fact upstream
> has added dbus support to it specifically so it can integrate nicely
> with NetworkManager. Why we're not using it, I don't know.
Also BIND have intelligent D-BUS integration (-D parameter). If you run 
dhcdbd daemon and named simulateously named ask dhcdbd for forwarders 
and use it for forwarding. It's perfect solution for laptops - you get 
forwarders through DHCP and dhcdbd tells named about them so you have 
fully working caching-nameserver. Of course dnsmasq could be alternative 
solution for people who hates BIND. You could package it and start 
maintain :)


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