Fedora 8 internet keys support detailed plan + patches

Goede, J.W.R. de j.w.r.degoede at hhs.nl
Thu Jun 21 15:40:20 UTC 2007

Hi all,

Attached (webmail interface sucks) is a long and detailed
description about current problems with internet / east
access  keys, a proposed solution and description of some
patches I'm working on.

Please read this (long) and respond as I really would like
to see this get included into F-8.




I forget to tell in the attached text that work is being
done with HAL, to automatically call setkeycodes for
laptops based on the DMI info of the laptop motherboard, as
this is a case where we can actually identify the keyboard
manufacturer and model of a ps/2 keyboard.

This means that for the example non microsoft compatible
keyboard used in the attachment things will work out of the
box without needing any end user configuration. For older /
rare non microsoft standalone keyboards manual
configuration will still be needed though.
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