portage vs yum

Thufir hawat.thufir at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 01:47:09 UTC 2007

On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 02:11:19 +0100, Ian Chapman wrote:

>>  Unless you're trying to squeeze a millisecond out of
>> something, I don't see the advantage.
> Isnt that often a reason touted by Gentoo users as to why they love
> portage because they can shave a few milliseconds by rolling their own?

Gentoo evolved, to my understanding, partly because there was a gcc which 
compiled something faster.  So, when gentoo was first on the scene, that 
gcc compiled ______ better than other distro's, which gave better 
performance.  Now everyone uses the same gcc and that benefit isn't 
really there anymore.


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