Upgrade path question

Rex Dieter rdieter at math.unl.edu
Thu Jun 28 15:09:02 UTC 2007

Adam Jackson wrote:

> The received wisdom seems to be "Only care about upgrades with stride <=
> 2", meaning, FC5 to F7 should work, but FC1 to F7 is madness.  Is this
> written down anywhere, or just tribal knowledge?
> I ask because there's a fair bit of cruft in the X packages to handle
> things like Obsoletes: XFree86.  We haven't shipped that since FC2, so
> it's hard to still care.

Recall, I recommended omitting such cruft in the mesa-libGLw Review, 
but mharris felt strongly otherwise: "They should IMHO not be removed


In the end, it's ulimately your (as maintainer) call to make, and, fwiw, I
see no harm is removing the old Obsoletes now.

-- Rex

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