portage vs yum

Thufir hawat.thufir at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 08:34:47 UTC 2007

On Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:08:22 +0200, David Nielsen wrote:

> As someone with a lengthy past in the Gentoo world I will be happy to
> provide you a list of the kinds of bug reports that would cause but
> let's not embarrass anyone with the horror stories.

I admit to great ignorance as the actual coding involved, and was giving 
my impression.

However, leaving aside my particular solution, do you see the same problem
(s) as me?  constantly adding third party yum repository's, which are 
always behind, and repeatedly having to go outside of yum to install 
stuff?  Surely there *must* be something better than yum.  what?

I meant my post, yes, as a direct challenge to the status quoue, but in a 
good spirit; in which spirit it seems to have been taken.


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