bcm43xx_mac80211 (was Re: Announcing Fedora 7 Test 4 (6.93))

Will Woods wwoods at redhat.com
Tue May 1 21:09:11 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 09:13 -0700, alan wrote:

> The network config tools need some work.  (Especially for Wireless.)  I 
> have been trying to get my bcm4306 chipset wireless to work.  The network 
> tools don't see it.  (And I have the firmware that I used on FC6 with no 
> problems.)  The list of wireless cards in the drop down list seems very 
> old.  It needs to be updated to the currently supported list.  (As much as 
> wireless is at this point...)

Yeah, you'll want to use NetworkManager to manage the device. First you
will need firmware:

1) Install bcm43xx-fwcutter
2) Get a Broadcom-distributed driver to cut the firmware out of
# See the list in /usr/share/doc/bcm43xx-fwcutter-006/README
# For the newer driver you'll need 4.x firmware. I recommend:
3) Unpack the driver and cut out the firmware
# tar -jxvf broadcom-wl-*.tar.bz2
# bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-*/kmod/wl_apsta.o

You might have to blacklist the old driver first if you're using the new

# echo 'blacklist bcm43xx' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist

But at this point you should be able to reboot and have working
wireless. Hooray!

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