shiny desktop, anyone?

Kelly lightsolphoenix at
Tue May 29 05:40:44 UTC 2007

On Tuesday, May 29, 2007 1:07 am Hikaru Amano wrote:
> how bout adding a menu in firstboot (or something similar during first
> login of a user)..  asking the user whether to enable compiz/beryl or
> not ...
> and if enabling fails -> display "You are using <cardname>, and it
> seems like the opensource driver does not support 3D with this card.
> Please install the proper driver from your vendor and try again
> later." - click ok to continue to next screen .. :D

The problem with such a maneuver (as I bet the Mandriva users are finding out, 
and the Vista users can testify to) is that there is no really effective way 
to predict how well the system would perform with Compiz/Beryl on or off; 
cards that seem fine may actually give horrible results in reality (like my 
ATI Radeon 9200, which can run Beryl but does so horribly slowly; but a 
detect would come up positive because the OSS driver can handle Beryl).

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