gethostby* users

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Sun Oct 14 01:50:02 UTC 2007

David Woodhouse wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-10-13 at 19:46 -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
>> Running MimeDefang is a good example.
> RFC3464 MIME bounces were a better example, although I still don't
> really see the point in them. Probably worth implementing though, just
> for completeness.
> A brief look at MimeDefang doesn't seem to show up anything it can do
> which Exim can't, with its built-in interfaces to SpamAssassin, ClamAV,
> etc.
> Did I miss something?

These slides give the whole story but the big things are that you can do 
anything you want by writing a small amount of perl code, the scanning 
processes don't run under the same uid as the mailer, and it is very 
efficient. Most other approaches start a scanner process for each 
message, wasting a lot of time, or tie it to a mailer process for its 
entire run, wasting a lot of memory or limiting the number of mailers 
you can be running.

Sendmail runs multiple processes that connect to a milter for each 
operation needed (slide 16).  MimeDefang provides a milter socket and 
multiplexes the connections to some number of perl processes that do the 
work (slide 31).  So, you don't have to start a process for each run and 
you can run many more sendmail processes than perl/mimedefang processes 
since sendmail connects for each operation and mimedefang connects the 
job to an available, already running process to do the work.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at

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