CDs DVDs or netboot. Oh my!

Benny Amorsen benny+usenet at
Tue Oct 16 08:28:17 UTC 2007

>>>>> "DM" == Douglas McClendon <dmc.fedora at> writes:

DM> As the other responder mentioned, I'm assuming you don't really
DM> mean Everything (much as I was one of the longest hold-outs of
DM> keeping and using Everything installs).

I mean what I say. I don't want to actually install everything; it
should just be available on the stick so I can use kickstart files to
pick and choose.

DM> But you do then still need to put smarts into the initramfs to
DM> deal with the fact that it may be looking for an iso on a vfat
DM> usbstick. Not difficult by any means, but definitely a bit of
DM> work.

If it's just an image to dd, you can keep everything in whichever file
format you want.

I must admit I'm at bit surprised at all the complexity. All I want is
to dd DVD.iso to a USB stick, but the DVD.iso is not in a format which
BIOS's know how to boot from. With the right boot record, everything
should be in place.

Alternatively, if I knew how to partition the device so that boot.img
could fit before an ext2 partition, I could just put the DVD.iso there
and that should work too.


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