functionality similar to apt-get autoclean?

Rohan Sheth rohan at
Sat Oct 20 17:03:27 UTC 2007

Debian has this nifty feature of apt-get which is the option to

It has two purposes, first it removes files from the local repository
which can no longer be downloaded and are useless.  Second it removes
packages that used to depend on a package which no longer exists.


I install claws-mail which depends on (among other things) libetpan11.

Then I decide I don't like claws-mail and remove the package claws-mail.

The next time I run autoclean (presuming that no other installed
package depends on libetpan11) it will remove the package libetpan11
since it it no longer required by the system.

Is there any similar functionality with yum/rpm?

Rohan Sheth

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