CDs DVDs or netboot. Oh my!

Chuck Anderson cra at WPI.EDU
Sat Oct 20 20:08:54 UTC 2007

> >>>Why can't a system that is installed from the Live CD be upgraded?
> >>>What would it take to make such an installation upgradeable?

> >Wait - you can upgrade after you boot into the installed livecd image.
> >You just can't upgrade it FROM the boot live image.

> Isn't that like telling people to use the method of upgrading we tell 
> everyone is not recommended and most definitely not supported in any way?

I think people are confused about a LiveCD installation.  Once you 
tell the LiveCD to install to the hard disk, it becomes a regular 
installation on the hard disk.  You can then upgrade that at a future 
date just like any other install, using anaconda to upgrade the system 
via new media, HTTP, FTP, NFS, etc.  Of course, you can also try to 
"yum upgrade" it, which isn't recommended.

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