Development to Official

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Wed Oct 24 16:21:18 UTC 2007

Jesse Keating <jkeating <at>> writes:
> Once the GOLD release has been spun, we redirect rawhide to pull from
> the next target.  Announcements will be made.

WARNING: spun != officially released. This is something you and I (and whoever 
else works on Fedora packaging or watches it closely) know, but at every 
release some users wanting to switch from Rawhide to final get burned by this, 
so here's my warning:
The release is spun some days BEFORE it is officially released, because mirrors 
need time to download it from the master server. Therefore, Rawhide normally 
switches to tracking the next release a few days BEFORE the official release. 
So make sure you check the latest announcements before updating from Rawhide if 
you intend to switch to the stable release.

        Kevin Kofler

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