Feedback from PulseAudio 0.9.7 SVN (Was: Current problems with Rawhide)

Kelly Miller lightsolphoenix at
Thu Oct 25 04:51:07 UTC 2007

Okay, I'm attaching my logs related to PulseAudio to this email.  I hope 
someone can tell me the right place to go.

I guess it's important to describe the setup as well.  I'm using 
alsa-plugins-pulse to redirect ALSA sound to PulseAudio, so pcm.default! 
and ctl.default! are both set to module: pulse.  The actual hardware is 
aliased as hw:0 (I keep getting errors that it's busy, even though 
nothing is running that would use sound because I automatically kill 
aRts before I start PulseAudio, and none of the other sound daemons are 

BTW, for some odd reason, Thunderbird seems to pass between a phase of 
being fine and a phase where it takes up 90% of the system resources and 
grinds to a halt for a period of time.  I'm not sure what's up with 
that, either...
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