Fedorability of dvbcut ?

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Sun Oct 28 13:07:01 UTC 2007

I'm keen to repackage dvbcut for Fedora.
The application can be used to trim up a mpeg2 transport stream for 
example recorded from a DVB tuner card, and output in mpeg2 program 
stream format.

As packaged in packman, it warns:
- qt3 is needed by dvbcut-0.5.4-0.pm.0.i586
- libffmpeg0 is needed by dvbcut-0.5.4-0.pm.0.i586
It can also use mplayer, and finds this through name within your path, 
ie it is not actually required for the program to run.
With ffmpeg and mplayer installed, a rpm -Uvh --nodeps allows it to run 

It's main function is the conversion from transport stream to program 
stream of given selections, however, it does recode frames at the start 
and end of each clip.

So given the linking {I think} of ffmpeg, and the need for easiest use 
of having mplayer installed, am I correct in assuming this will be no go 
in FedoraPC ?

And if that's the case, how does the included kernel module for 
controlling / receiving mpeg2 transport streams from my DVB card fit 
with Fedora ?


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