linux1394 and f8

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at
Wed Oct 31 13:46:57 UTC 2007

> I am running 7.92, and I see that the new firewire stack is in place.
> There is a page at the linux1394 wiki that suggests that kernel
> packagers build the old stack into the kernel for the time being:
> Any chance of this happenign for Fedora 8?

Right below where it says the best advise is to use the old drivers it
also says :

Building the new drivers is only for advanced users (who for example
want the better speed of firewire-sbp2 relative to sbp2, on the
hardware on which the new drivers already work) - and for distributors
who know what is required in userspace to make use of the new drivers
(i.e. a patched libraw1394, a libdc1394 prerelease, adapted scripts
and config files etc.).

I suspect "distributors who know what is required in userspace" covers
Fedora and hence the required patches are probably all there.

I believe also it makes firewire generally a lot more stable even
though there are a few regressions.


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