performance related but not only

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek jakub.rusinek at
Thu Apr 24 17:21:35 UTC 2008


few weeks (months?) ago I said that Fedora is ugly slow. that's still
true, BUT (don't stop reading) using openSUSE on the same computer
wasn't so comfortable.

true, that I like their solutions (not all of course), but frequent
freezes (for about 1-2sec) and longer GNOME + Compiz startup, teached
me, that from my hardware I can't get more performance.

I have duron CPU. know as cheap-shit (sorry for such adjective here) by
its slowness.

Fedora wasn't fast, but was smooth on my CPU. openSUSE was fast, but
freezed frequently.

I learned through my Linux-excursions, that I can't require many from
people, from community, if I'll be rude and will shout and scream.

from what I learned, I can also propose you web interface for packaging.
quite comfortable to stop using own hardware to test RPM building etc.,
omit CVS and create packages in own repo (PPA- and KoPeR-like) and then
eventually move to official repo.

currently I'm sitting at home and writing this, using openSUSE. I will
use it until Fedora 9 is released and nVidia updates their driver.

only thing I can say now is big and sincere (not sure if translator
didn't chose wrong word)...


and I promise I'll try to discuss constructive with good arguments and
stop being such rude and unmature. I hope you can safely stop ignoring
me beginning from now.

in advance, thanks for reading and understanding.

ps: don't afraid to tell me, when my behavior is inacceptible. I'll
receive this with humility.

Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek

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