Adding /sbin and /usr/sbin to everyone's path in F10

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Fri Apr 25 13:34:59 UTC 2008

max bianco wrote:
>>  Isn't the first thing they ask you always 'why can't I run ifconfig (or
>> fdisk, etc.)'?  Why confuse them with things the PATH mechanism was designed
>> to take care of transparently for you?
> because using fdisk, for example, implies a certain level of
> knowledge. 

But that knowledge should not be wasted on arbitrary weirdness like who 
decided to put the executable out of your PATH (which is intended to 
find it...) and why.

> If i fdisk incorrectly i will hose my system beyond my
> ability to repair it

Which is why you want to focus your knowledge on what the tools do, not 
the fact that some distributions hide them in funny places.

> or i will get access denied or you aren't root or
> whatever you like and be just as annoyed that it let me get that far
> only to stop me when I try to use it, "If i can't use the tool then
> why oh why is it in my path?You've handed me a nail and no hammer!" or
> do you think the "average" user should be using fdisk unsupervised?

If you want to control what people do, you don't give them the root 
password.  But, the 'average' PC user is his own administrator, 
especially for something like fedora which is way to high-maintenance 
for an experienced administrator to choose to manage for everyone else, 
and he's going to need to use the stuff whether it is hidden or not. The 
question is whether you want to make it simple or make it confusing. 
You seem to want to make it confusing just so everyone suffers as much 
as you did when learning the arbitrary quirks of the distribution.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at

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