very common kernel modules slow down the boot process

Alan Cox alan at
Tue Apr 8 10:11:51 UTC 2008

On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 11:33:13PM -0400, Jesse Keating wrote:
> Just for funsies I attempted a text mode install in an i386 KVM guest
> with 128 megs of ram.  Using today's rawhide boot.iso (which has stage2
> on it) and pointing it at an http mirror.  Guess what, the install
> completed fine, and booted after the fact.  I picked a minimal package
> set from the package selector (included vim-enhanced though).  That's
> still 428~ packages.
> So why do you have to go through gyrations to install Fedora on 128 meg
> machines?  Or why do you have to install something other than Fedora?

I can only speak for the setups I tried and those failed with 128MB on
the installer in text mode. As I said earlier for the firewall I installed
something else because fedora was the wrong tool for the job anyway - a box
which is just firewalling and masquerading doesn't want a traditional distro
on it - even if it does fit.


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