Looking for new package owners

Alex Lancaster alexl at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Aug 22 13:29:47 UTC 2008

>>>>> "JC" == Jon Ciesla  writes:


>>> Some of these are really easy, but two of them could be somewhat
>>> challenging. Octave-forge is getting big and ugly, and it really
>>> needs to be split into about 40 subpackages (which could be done
>>> incrementally, rather than all at once). Atlas is more or less
>>> working but it is really outdated, and it would probably require
>>> almost starting from scratch to package the new 3.8.x releases.
>>> Quentin

JC> Quentin, just as a reminder, you'll need to orhpan in pkgdb those
JC> packages that others wish to take over before they can do so.  As
JC> far as I can tell, pkgdb is working normally.

Actually I just tried to add myself as a co-maintainer for octave, but
clicking on the "Add myself to this package" button didn't actually do
anything.  pkgdb seems to works OK in other respects such as browsing,
but I'm not sure if modifications are working just yet.


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