compiler bug turning up in cmake package?

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Tue Aug 26 19:48:01 UTC 2008

Ulrich Drepper wrote:
> Rex Dieter wrote:
>> So the simple(?) fix involves something like:
>> ??
> No, quite wrong.  A hand-edited patch:
> [snip patch]

Huh, something in the mail chain added some bogus -'s.

But yes, +1 to both the previous patch being wrong and that Ulrich's 
looks right to me. Of course, it would be great if someone from Kitware 
would confirm that ;-).

Rex/Ulrich, have either of filed this in mantis yet? I'd do it but it 
rejects my attempt to create an account (not the first time Mantis has 
hated me, as I recall).

Person A: It's an ISO standard.
Person B: ...And that means what?
   --mal (

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