FESCo Meeting Summary for 2008-08-20

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 00:38:17 UTC 2008

Alex Lancaster wrote:
>>>>>> "KH" == Karsten Hopp  writes:
> [...]
>>> It's very disappointing that this isn't considered a feature,
>>> largely (so it seems from the IRC log) because the target audience
>>> is considered "very limited".
>>> Although provers are used only by a few experts to check that
>>> software is correct, the benefits of using formally checked
>>> software (functions, data structures, libraries, etc.) accrue to
>>> all users of that software.
>>> I hope that David & others working on this don't get discouraged
>>> and this work continues, perhaps as a Fedora SIG.
>>> Rich.
> KH> +1, please don't get discouraged when FESCo rejects a feature
> KH> proposal.
> KH> Rejecting something as a feature doesn't mean that the package
> KH> isn't accepted into fedora. It just means that it doesn't met the
> KH> requirements described in
> KH> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Policy/Definitions#Features.
> Given FESCo's decision on this feature, I wonder how the Bioconductor
> feature .   which packages a set of bioinformatics R add-on packages
> would fare:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Bioconductor
> It's similar in spirit to Fedora Electronic Lab, although I don't have
> any actual data, I suspect a slightly larger target audience than
> Provers. I am helping Pierre-Yves (aka pingou) with this feature.
You have to show why it's a feature.

* What work is Fedora doing to make this happen as opposed to merely 
packaging work done upstream?
* What makes the Feature more than a collection of packages?
* What kind of coherent plan is being laid out by the people driving this?
* Show how the Feature could be presented in the F10 release notes to 
higlight the work that Fedora has done.
* Do the people working on the Feature care enough to show up and argue 
their case at the meeting?
* Remember to update your Feature page with all of your arguements.

python-nss was voted a feature in the end while provers were not.  I 
happen to think this was mostly because that python-nss got better 
marketing than provers (which, to be fair, is what both of them wanted 
out of being an F-10 feature.  If the marketing left FESCo wondering why 
it was a Feature it would also leave our end-users wondering why it was 
a Feature.)


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