Multilib Middle-Ground

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Thu May 1 23:20:34 UTC 2008

Denis Leroy wrote:
> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> Les Mikesell wrote:
>>> Paul Howarth wrote:
>>>> Stripping of pathname-based and package-name based dependencies I 
>>>> can understand, but not the library deps.
>>> Are they the same across all RPM based systems?
>> Yes, they are and the third party packages have no excuse if they are 
>> deliberately disabling the automatic dependency mechanisms.
> It's not that simple. VMware does this for a simple reason: they want a 
> single RPM that works on *all* distros. Essentially it's like static 
> linking (except they don't, they just ship their own dependencies). 
> VMware would otherwise have fairly complex dependencies (gtkmm comes to 
> mind) that would force them to provide probably a different RPM for each 
> <distro,version> pair... There's simply no easy way to distribute 
> closed-source softare for Linux, as we all know.
Isn't this the basic algorithm that's needed to solve the library 
dependency problem?

import os
import sys

missingLibs = []
if os.exists('/usr/lib64/%s' % app):
     libdir = '/usr/lib64/%s' % app
elif os.exists('/usr/lib/%s' % app):
     libdir = '/usr/lib/%s' % app
     print 'Warning: Cannot find private app dir.'
     # Attempt to start the app.  The OS might provide all the necessary
     # libraries.

libToPrivateDir = {'': '%s/libfoo1' % libdir,
         '': '%s/libbar2' % libdir}

for line in os.popen(['ldd', os.path.join('/usr/bin',app)]):
     tokens = line.split()
     if '=>' not in tokens:
     if ['not', 'found'] == tokens[-2:]:
path = [libToPrivateDir[lib] for lib in missingLibs]

current_path = os.environ('LD_LIBRARY_PATH')

if current_path:
     path.insert(0, current_path)

if path:
     os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(path)

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