Localisation needs to be improved

Ola Thoresen redhat at olen.net
Tue May 6 12:01:00 UTC 2008

Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
> Jens Petersen wrote:
>> Jeroen van Meeuwen さんは書きました:
>>> Let's make this into a Fedora 10 Proposed Feature:
>>> - an interface for system administrators to set the default language,
>>> like s-c-language does now, but extend it to tweak `locale`.
>>> - an interface for users to tweak they're own little private `locale`.
>> Sounds like a good idea, I agree.
> *doing*
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/LocalePreferences
> Enlist and add your comments, ideas, proposals and changes!

I think the main issue is to separate "language" from "locale". I
believe this is the main thing for most of us.
So if LANG and LC_MESSAGES is set from the language-selection and the
rest of LC_* is set from the location/timezone-selection I think we have
a reasonable default.
This should be a quite simple fix, as both these dialogs are already in
firstboot or anaconda.

It will at least give me the right clock (24 hour) first day of week
(monday) and paper (A4) while still keeping all errors and other
messages in english.

Then we can think about some way the user can change the values of the
specific elements, if someone still wants another currency or paper size
than the default for their locale.


/Ola (T)

         _,--',   _._.--._____
  .--.--';_'-.', ";_      _.,-'   Ola Thoresen
 .'--'.  _.'    {`'-;_ .-.>.'
       '-:_      )  / `' '=.      It is easier to fix Unix
         ) >     {_/,     /~)     than to live with Windows
         |/               `^ .'

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