F9 and KVM

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Thu May 8 21:23:40 UTC 2008

Gerry Reno wrote:
> Now, how can I set the correct context for where I need to store my 
> images?  I have several vm image directories on different filesystems 
> so that the vm's are not competing for the same drive all the time.  
> Is just doing a 'chcon -t virt_image_t ./imagedir' enough to set the 
> context of the images directories?
Yes, this works.  I just did this to my old vmdk file and directory and 
now it runs.

> Also, one last problem is that neither network service nor 
> NetworkManager seem to be able to get a dhcp connection to the lan in 
> the guest.  I selected shared network using br0(eth0) during image 
> creation but all I get in the guest is network unreachable.  Is there 
> some trick you need to do in the guest?
I'm still stuck with this guest networking problem.  I have br0 defined 
on the host with a static IP on the lan.  I have eth0 on the host that 
points to the bridge br0.  When I created the vm I selected shared 
network br0(eth0).  In the guest I have ifcfg-eth0 that has:
But when you do ifup eth0 it just sits there trying to determine IP and 
eventually it pings which to me looks like it thinks its 
in a NAT environment rather than bridged networking.


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