Maintainer Responsibility Policy

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Thu May 8 23:03:37 UTC 2008

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 6:55 AM, David Woodhouse <dwmw2 at> wrote:
> Yes, perhaps. Or maybe it would be better to have a code-monkey sign up
> as co-maintainer for the package, where the primary maintainer isn't
> capable of actually..., well, maintaining the package.

Generally, I would agree that the maintainer needs to be able to
diagnose breakage in the dominant language of the package in question.
Hence why I don't touch mono or java packages.  But, there are times
when an application might provide mixed language or toolkit bindings
which are harder to adequately account for based on accumulated
personal experience. And we certainly can't expect everyone to have
direct experience nor access to both big and little endian arches.

And well, it'd be sort of nice to know how our contributor skillset
breaks down, from a project resources point of view.

-jef"Though in just a couple more years, we could probably expect
everyone to have access to some sort of 64bit arch"spaleta

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