
Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Tue May 13 03:36:29 UTC 2008

>  Example:
>  http://www.pitivi.org/wiki/Main_Page

Let me chime in for a second.  I've been spending some time on looking
at the options for a while now.  Pitivi is THE solution that Fedora
needs to support.  Its feature-set is minimal at the moment but it is
workable out-of-the-box when it comes to theora and raw dv editting.
I've been working towards hosting a miro channel for Fedora and a set
of short tutorials on how to make use of pitivi. Sadly i just didnt
get it done before F9 release.  I haven't been talking about it much
because i wanted to surprise everyone...but my freetime didn't live up
to the deadline.

What this project really needs to do is find a way to drive more
effort into pitivi, in terms of creating really good plugins that w
can use out of the box.  The parts of gstreamer that we can ship
includes so very interesting things like video effects that pitivi
could use... cheese uses them.  Pitivi just needs developer love and
its this projects best interest to try to find that love.


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