rhgb no more

Matthias Clasen mclasen at redhat.com
Wed May 14 01:20:19 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-05-14 at 01:14 +0000, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Andrew Bartlett <abartlet <at> samba.org> writes:
> > X in the initrd?
> Couldn't Qt/Embedded be used for this purpose? We'd have to find a way to 
> prevent a conflict with the regular Qt/X11, but other than that it would seem 
> to be the perfect match for a lightweight RHGB-type solution (i.e. one which 
> doesn't require starting up X early) to me.

Or GTK/directfb... but you don't really need or want a full-blown
toolkit there, either way. The main thing is to handle keyboard input in
an acceptable way, and display some feedback that resembles a password
entry. krh was muttering about a xkb-to-console-keymap converter this
morning, as a possible solution to the keyboard layout problem.

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