Rawhide update problem

Caolan McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Thu May 15 09:36:54 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-05-15 at 10:12 +0100, Paul wrote:
> If I exclude both hunspell and xulrunner from the update, I still get a
> problem in that OOo-core needs hunspell.so.1

1) xulrunner depends on hunspell
2) OOo depends on hunspell and xulrunner
3) I bumped hunspell (about a month ago into dist-f10) and it changes
abi, so rebuild needed.
4) xulrunner is configured --with-system-hunspell but actually #includes
a *local* copy of hunspell.hxx which now no longer matches the system
hunspell header, so it fails to link on a rebuild. That's the actual bug
5) proper fix is to fix xulrunner to not use the local hunspell.hxx
header when building aginst an external hunspell
6) quick and dirty fix is to simply link the system hunspell.hxx over
the local one in %prep and rebuild xulrunner,
7) Nevertheless, seeing as xulrunner apparently can only be changed if
upstream commits the change (if I understand correctly) 5 or 6 cannot be
done, or cannot be done quickly, so for the sake of a quiet life I added
last night a constructor to hunspell to provide the expected symbol that
the internal hunspell.hxx misleads xulrunner into thinking should exist
and rebuilt hunspell to make it available, which should make a xulrunner
rebuild possible without a xulrunner fix.

> Are these expected to be fixed in today's rawhide?

Probably tomorrow, or soon after that.


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