Bodhi documentation for new packages

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Sat May 17 21:03:54 UTC 2008

Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 02:09 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>>>> In fact bodhi already automatically closes the review ticket when the
>>>> package arrives in at least one of the stable repositories.
>>> Right, but only when the review bug number is added to the update.
>> Why isn't this automatic?
> Because Bodhi doesn't have ESP?  Without the update submitter telling
> bodhi that this is a new package that has a review bug to close how is
> bodhi supposed to guess this, let alone guess what the review bug is, or
> that this particular update should close the review bug?

Bodhi knows when it's a new package since package maintainers provide 
this information. pkgdb already knows a lot of information that can used 
too. Package review requests follow a standardized format. It should be 
possible to query bugzilla to get the bugzilla report number. It can do 
this when the package hits the non-rawhide branches if it hasn't been 
manually closed by the package submitter already.


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