Xorg 1.5 missed the train?

Bill Crawford billcrawford1970 at gmail.com
Wed May 21 17:52:34 UTC 2008

2008/5/21 Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>:

> I don't have a problem with Xorg taking any amount of time they want. The
> problem is in fedora shipping a pre-release - or perhaps even more so in
> their claim of knowing that the ABI is finalized before it is in fact
> published as a standard.

The X server ABI is not "published as a standard" like e.g. the
standards for electrical goods. You are comparing apples and oranges,
quite intentionally, with the intent of suggesting the X developers
should be beholden to the way a certain company wants to conduct its
driver releases. Why?

>> Nvidia is late to the party (as usual) and you're
>> gullible enough to believe its cartoon-level excuses.
> I believe in release numbers.  If it is really ready, make it official.  If
> not, don't ship it.

And again, you have no point besides this "it's not an official
release number" yet (again) it's already been answered in this thread;
they want to see it *shipped*. And now it's been shipped (which
supposedly makes it more likely they'll update their drivers) you are
*complaining* about this.

If you want to be able to use hardware immediately with a new product,
buy hardware that's supported by open source drivers and whose
designers and manufacturers provide information (or even development
resources) to support that process. Like, for example, another two or
three big players in this market at the moment.

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