FESCo Meeting Summary for 2008-05-08

Brian Pepple bpepple at fedoraproject.org
Fri May 23 00:03:41 UTC 2008

== Members Present ==
      * Brian Pepple (bpepple) 
      * Jason Tibbitts (tibbs) 
      * Bill Nottingham (notting) 
      * Kevin Fenzi (nirik) 
      * Jeremy Katz (jeremy) 
      * Christopher Aillon (caillon) 
      * Dennis Gilmore (dgilmore) 
      * Warren Togami (warren) 
      * Christian Iseli (c4chris) 
      * David Woodhouse (dwmw2) 
      * Jesse Keating (f13) 
      * Tom Callaway (spot)

== Absent ==
      * Josh Boyer (jwb)

== Summary ==
=== Fedora Packaging Committee Proposal ===
      * FESCo approved the FPC's proposal for withdrawing the JPackage
        naming exception. 

=== Cut-off date for new packages requests in older branches ===
      * FESCo decided the cut-off for new F-(X-2) packages is when F-X
        goes gold. (For example, new F8 package requests will not be
        accepted after F10 goes gold). bpepple has updated the wiki to
        reflect this. 

=== Kernel-libre ===
      * FESCo wants this feature, but it needs to go upstream first and
        not involve an alternative kernel package. dwmw2 offered to help
        Alexandre Oliva (lxo) work with upstream on this. 

IRC log can be found at:

Brian Pepple <bpepple at fedoraproject.org>

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 810CC15E
BD5E 6F9E 8688 E668 8F5B  CBDE 326A E936 810C C15E
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