Strange ext3 problem

Joshua C. joshuacov at
Sat Nov 1 08:58:39 UTC 2008

2008/11/1 Benny Amorsen <benny+usenet at>:
> "Joshua C." <joshuacov at> writes:
>> I tested the hdd with smartmontools (short and long tests) and got no
>> errors of any kind. then used fsck and e2fsck on the partition and
>> they corrected something. I thought the problem was gone but here it
>> happens again.
> Memory error. Or CPU. Try booting into memtest86; I believe the Fedora
> iso's offer that. memtest86 isn't perfect though, your PC could still
> have a problem even if memtest86 says OK (after a few days of testing).
> /Benny
 I tried memtest86+ 2.01 (for about 3 hours) and it didn't display any
errors. I use f9 x86 but I have 4GB of memory. fedora sees only 2,25gb
but I thought it should be about 3gb. where are the rest 0,75gb? Could
this be connected with this?

Actually winxp sp3 sees also 2,25 gb but I see 4096mb in the bios
settings. maybe bios/dsdt table problem or sothing else?

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