Comps/groups/tags-concepts [Was: FESCo Meeting Summary for 2008-10-29]

Jeremy Katz katzj at
Mon Nov 3 16:36:33 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 10:36 -0500, Seth Vidal wrote:
> Let's take a step back. How do we group several thousand things such that 
> they don't make the avg user lose his/her mind to look at them.

Also, what are the circumstances in which people are using this
metadata?  What sort of interface are they expected to be working with,
etc.  We have tons of unstructured metadata (see package summaries and
descriptions :-) 

The current comps format came about from looking at "okay, what are we
trying to enable the user to do" and then working back from there.  The
same exercise but with the changed landscape that is present today is
likely to be quite helpful in figuring out the best approach.


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