FESCo Meeting Summary for 2008-10-29

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Mon Nov 3 18:26:31 UTC 2008

Seth Vidal (skvidal at fedoraproject.org) said: 
> Keywords as a concept are harder than you might think for a lot of 
> people. Especially if they have to come up with them on their own. You 
> ever met someone for whom google was not useful? Those are often people 
> who have trouble figuring out what are good keywords on their own. 
> However, if they are presented with a list of common keywords they can 
> pick out the ones they care about. I know it's odd but I've seen it occur 
> very commonly.

Yes, but which audience are we talking about? The one that wants to find
a billiards game, or the one that wants to find PHP bindings for FTP
support? It's possible that these two audiences have a similar searching/
keywording skill level, but I'm not sure it's likely.

(Which goes back, again, to who and what are we creating this data for.)


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