Detecting binaries in rpmbuild

Andrew Haley aph at
Tue Nov 4 10:42:32 UTC 2008

Jon Ciesla wrote:
>> I just discovered in a package I'm putting through review that the
>> upstream tar ball contains some pre-compiled binaries.  It seems like
>> this would be a good check for rpmbuild to run automatically before the
>> %build step.  Thoughts?
> Fine, as long as it doesn't prevent building rpms from precompiled
> binaries.  I mean, other than compilers, we really shouldn't do it in
> Fedora, but taking away that functionality would prevent companies
> building some rpms for internal use.  I agree that rpmlint sounds like a
> great place for this.

Hold on, how do you know that something is a "binary" ?  What if, for
example, it's an image bitmap?  In the general case it's not possible
to tell if something is source or binary.


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