breaking rawhide freeze

Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski dominik at
Tue Nov 4 12:28:55 UTC 2008

You know, I'm somewhat disappointed in the uneven treatment of packagers here.
A couple of days ago, I wanted to break the freeze and push an update to gnomeradio
that would make the application fully usable again (as it is now, it crashes
every time you try to name a radio station), but I was told (by Jesse himself,
and some other nice folks) to wait until after F-10 is released, because it
wasn't "critical enough". And now I'm reading the recent rawhide changelogs
and seeing non-critical changes being committed, mostly by people
I don't want to draw any far-fetched conclusions, but I wonder what's going on
here. Why was I actively discouraged from pushing my change, which would have
zero side-effects but would have made gnomeradio in vanilla F-10 fully functional?


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        -- Delenn to Lennier in Babylon 5:"Confessions and Lamentations"

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